St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Cancer Care
St. Elizabeth’s Cancer Care Program gives patients access to some of the area’s leading oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, nurses, and professional support staff all dedicated to treating cancer patients. Our team offers a high level of clinical expertise in preventing, diagnosing, and treating all types of cancer, and they treat our patients and families with compassion and care from diagnosis through treatment to recovery. In addition to cancer care at at our hospital, we also offer medical oncology services in partnership with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Our Team
Caroline Block, MD
Oncology, Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine
Cancer Care
Jairam Eswara, MD
Chief of Service, Urology
Darren Evanchuk, MD
Oncology, Hematology/Oncology
Sara Giordano, MD
Julia H. Hayes, MD
Beth Herrick, MD
Radiology, Radiation Oncology
Matthew Ingham, MD
Ekkehard M. Kasper, MD, DPhil
Chief Neurological Surgery; Neurocritical Care
Nonna Kolomeyevskaya, MD
Obstetrics/Gynecology, Gynecology, Oncology, Gynecological Oncology
Olga Kozyreva, MD
Oncology, Hematology/Oncology
Sandeep Krishnan, MD
Internal Medicine, Chief of Service in Gastroenterology
Peter LaCamera, MD
Chief of Service, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine
Christopher Lathan, MD
Leonardo Leite, MD
Interventional Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology
Pablo Leone, MD
Sarah May, MD
Ali Niakosari, MD
Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology
Aric Parnes, MD
Oncology, Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine
Philip Poorvu, MD
Cancer Care
Nancy Vicente, MD
Obstetrics/Gynecology, Gynecology, Oncology, Gynecological Oncology
Our programs provide patients with expert, comprehensive subspecialty care.
Treatments and Services
In collaboration with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, we offer comprehensive treatments and support for all types of cancer, including:
- Medical oncology and hematology care
- Radiation oncology center complete with state-of-the-art technology, including a Varian linear accelerator, high-dose radiation and two 56-slice CT scanners
- da Vinci® Surgical System for gynecologic, prostate, and urologic cancers, as well as cancer of the bile ducts
- Comprehensive laboratory services
- Clinical research trials
- Community health screenings, prevention education and support groups