Hematology Oncology Fellowship Rotations

St. Elizabeth's Medical Center


Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellows have clinical rotations that encompass general oncology and various medical oncology sub-specialties. Core rotations include in-patient hematology and medical oncology consult service at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center and outpatient clinics within the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) Network. Continuity clinic rotations comprise of three-month blocks across the different disease-focused and general oncology clinics in addition to scheduled electives depending on the volume of clinics. Fellows that are assigned to the inpatient consult service will not be assigned to an elective service to minimize the clinical service burden. While the majority of rotations will take place at DFCI-Brighton / St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, senior fellows will rotate at additional sites within the DFCI Network including the DFCI-South Shore and DFCI-Milford campuses.

Years One and Two – Required Rotations/Outpatient Continuity Clinics

  • Lung Cancer + Gen Oncology – 3 Months
  • Breast Cancer + Gen Oncology – 3 Months
  • GI Onc + Gen Oncology – 3 Months
  • GU Onc + Gen Oncology – 3 Months
  • Benign + Malignant Hematology + Gen Oncology – 3 Months
  • Rare Diseases – 1 Month
  • Consults – 6.5 Months

Year Three – Required Rotations/Outpatient Continuity Clinics

  • BMT (DFCI Longwood) – 1 Month
  • Leukemia (DFCI Longwood) - 1 Month
  • Red Cross Blood Bank – 1 Month
  • Inpatient Consults – 2 Months
  • Palliative Care – 2 Weeks
  • Radiation Oncology – 2 Weeks

Elective Rotations

  • Gynecology Oncology
  • Research
  • Geriatric Oncology


Conferences include onsite multidisciplinary tumor boards which requires fellows to present cases/lectures, weekly core lectures from DFCI/MGH Longwood and Brighton campus, fellow organized weekly board review conferences at Brighton, and quarterly journal clubs. Attendance is monitored and requires at least 75 percent attendance over the course of the year.